DIC Nomarski
Showing 1–9 of 12 results
Showing 1–9 of 12 results
Differential-Interference-contrast (DIC) or Nomarski Imaging
Differential-Interference-Contrast (DIC) microscopy, also known as Nomarski microscopy, is an optical microscopy technique that uses polarized light to create high-contrast images of transparent specimens.
DIC imaging uses a specialized optical system that splits light into two beams, which are then recombined to produce an interference pattern. The interference pattern reveals the details of the specimen’s internal structure, resulting in a three-dimensional, high-contrast image.
DIC imaging is particularly useful for imaging specimens that are difficult to visualize with conventional brightfield microscopy, such as live cells and tissues, bacteria, and small organisms. DIC microscopy allows for the observation of fine details and structures in these specimens, such as the movement of organelles within cells and the structure of cell membranes.
One advantage of DIC microscopy over other types of microscopy is that it does not require staining or labeling of the specimen, making it a non-destructive imaging technique. Additionally, DIC microscopy can be used to image thick specimens in three dimensions without the need for sectioning.
However, DIC microscopy does have some limitations. It can be challenging to obtain high-quality DIC images, and the technique is sensitive to changes in temperature and vibration. Additionally, DIC imaging can be expensive due to the specialized equipment required.
High quality image of cast iron with spheroidal graphite captured at 1000x magnification and 12.5 mega pixel Camera.
Having DIC Nomarsky is normally costly. If your microscope allows having a DIC imaging but your budget does not permit, make sure you can upgrade that by simply purchasing the extra parts without discarding your current obj lenses or setup.
DIC Nomarsky imaging needs a polarizer and analyzer as well as DIC filter together with its objective loens. Make sure your microscope does / will come with polarizer, analyzer, slot for DIC filter insert and also which objective lenses are supported for DIC imaging.