
BIM750DIC Inverted Biological Microscope with DIC Nomarski and Phase Contrast

Original price was: $USD 12,000.00.Current price is: $USD 9,750.00.

  • Advanced inverted biological microscope
  • Brightfield, Polarizing, Phase Contrast and differential interference contrast (DIC Nomarski) imaging capability
  • Upgradable to fluorescence imaging
  • Ideal solution for C. Elegans, Zebrafish, embryo development, microfluidics, bacteria research labs and more
  • Excellent DIC microscope image quality and price combination
  • Add a recommended high-resolution camera and make it professional.
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BIM750DIC Inverted Biological Microscope with Brightfield, Polarized, DIC and Phase Contrast Imaging

BIM750DIC Inverted Biological Microscope with DIC Nomarski Ph-0

This is an advanced multi-functional optical instrument. It is designed with fashion outlook and convenience operation. The system allows several methods of observations such as brightfield, polarization, phase-contrast and DIC Nomarski, as well as optional fluorescence imaging. This unit is suitable for the microscopic observation of cells, tissues and clear liquid tissues, and the dynamic microscopic observation of tissue cultures. Research labs working on C. Elegans, Zebrafish, embryo development, microfluidics device, chambers, bacteria, infection disease love this microscope.

DIC Nomarski Contrast

Differential interference contrast microscope uses are unlimited. Equipped with high-quality DIC objective lenses, and split DIC slide to divide polarizing light into O/E lights, after transmit the object, combine the O/E light with small optical path difference to create interfered image, make high-contrast, 3-D images under microscope.

  • DIC Contrast, With DIC objective, DIC Split Slide, DIC Combine Slide
  • Long Working Distance Condenser For DIC Observation
  • Three Culture Dish Holder For Different Size Culture Dish
  • Photo Adapter On Left Side Of Main Body, 100% Light Pass For Low Light Photography Condition


  • Considers all the DIC Nomarski principles in the optomechanical desig and brings you in a user friendly environment.
  • Transmitted Light DIC Nomarski Split Slide
  • Transmitted Light DIC Nomarski Combine Slide
  • Pull and push polarization slides
  • Handle position for easy carrying and moving the microscope
  • One of the reasonable DIC Microscope price that you can find in the market

BIM750DIC Inverted Biological Microscope with DIC Nomarski Ph-70651

BIM750DIC Inverted Biological Microscope

with Brightfield, Polarized, DIC and Phase Contrast Imaging

BIM750DIC inverted contrast microscope is a new type of multifunctional optical instrument. It  is equipped with excellent UIS optical system and modularization function design. This follows the all recently published and found DIC microscopy principle you that you can find in the literature and social media. The long working distance condenser system can be placed into or out of the light path, and is suitable for tissue observation in a culture dish. It is also designed according  to man-machine engineering principles. The phase contrast device can be attached to the light path to perform transmitted phase contrast microscopic observation, such as phase contrast, modulation contrast and differential interference contrast (DIC Nomarski) observation.

This unit is suitable for the microscopic observation of cells, tissues and clear liquid tissues, and the dynamic microscopic observation of tissues cultured in a culture dish, well plate, T-Flask, chamber slide, and etc. It is recommended to scientific research institutions, colleges and universities, medical and health, inspection and quarantine agencies, agricultural, animal husbandry and dairy industries that look for a descent quality high-resolution high-contrast images for publication. bim750dic 01 main 1
Integrated illumination system allows make up the difference of halogen heat generated by adjusting the spatial position of the bulb. The cooling effect of illumination was taken into account.  The Surface temperature of lamphouse is always at low temperature. BIM750DIC 06 top illumination
Gemel mode design of trinocular viewing head, inclined at 45 degrees.

Ergonomically designed microscope never let the operator’s cervix or shoulder feel tired from long time working behind microscope.

Includes widefield 10x/field number 22mm wide field eyepieces.

BIM750DIC 05 viewing head
Easy switch in / out or keep the condenser system from the light path away.

Excellent optical design for tissue observation in high or thick culture dish.

BIM750DIC 07 Condenser
Long working distance condenser, WD=55mm

Designed to be switched in or out of light path.

Suitable for tissue culture observation in thick culture flasks.

BIM750DIC 03 LWD Condenser
Transmitted light DIC split slider

Transmitted light DIC combine slider

Pull and push polarization system

Easy handling and movement.

BIM750DIC Inverted Biological Microscope with DIC Nomarski Ph-70651
Mechanical XY Stage, without rock & gear

Sample holders for 35mm Petridish, 50mm, 60mm, 90mm, 100mm PD, Terasaki sample, glass slide, T-25 flask, T-75 flask and well-plate.

Contact us for a customized sample holder.


BIM750DIC Inverted Biological Microscope with DIC Nomarski Ph-70650
Left-side video port

100% light transfer to the camera

excellent choice for dim light condition imaging

optional c-mount adapters: 0.25x, 0.35x, 0.5x, 0.65x, 0.75x, 1x, 1.2x, 1.5x and custom.


BIM750DIC 08 side video port










BIM750 Inverted Modulation Contrast Microscope, DIC
Magnification Total 100x~400x (extendable to 2000x)
System Infinity Optical System
Mechanical Tube Length: infinity
Conjugate Distance: infinity
Head Trinocular Head, 45° Inclined, Interpupillary Distance 53~75mm
Eyepiece WF10x/22mm Wide Field, Eyepiece Tube Dia. 30mm, Parfocal Distance 10mm
Centering Telescope Eyepiece 10x
Nosepiece Quintuple
Objective LWD Infinity Plan Bright Field Objective
10x/0.25, W.D. 4.3mm, Cover Glass Thickness 1.2mm
DIC Contrast Objective
10x/0.25, W.D.20.2, No Cover Glass
20x/0.35, W.D.6.0, Cover Glass Thickness 0mm
20x/0.40, W.D.8.0, Cover Glass Thickness 1.2mm
40x/0.60, W.D.3.5 , Cover Glass Thickness 1.2mm
For DIC Contrast View, To Check No Cover Glass or Thin Cover Glass Slide, Culture Dish Object Transmit Observation
Working Stage Mechanical Stage 227*208mm, Glass Round Stage Dia. 118mm, Moving Range 77*134.5mm, Moving Stage Detachable
Culture Dish Holder 1, 86mm (W)*129.5 (L), For Circular Culture Dish Dia.87.5mm
Culture Dish Holder 2, 34mm (W)*77.5 (L), For Circular Culture Dish Dia.68.5mm
Culture Dish Holder 3, 57mm (W)*82mm (L)
Focusing Coaxial Coarse & Fine Focus Knob, With Tension Adjustable And Limit Stopper,

Minimum Division 0.002mm

Condenser Long Working Distance 55mm, N.A. 0.3.

For DIC Contrast View

Light Source High Light 5W LED White, Input 3.9~3.0V ,

Brightness Adjustable


Optional Accessories
Adapter CCD Adapter 0.5x BIM75-0.5xCA
Digital SLR Camera Adapter for Canon EF Series BIM75-SLR-X

BIM750DIC Inverted Biological Microscope with DIC Nomarski Ph-70660

Sample Images

BIM750DIC Inverted Biological Microscope with DIC Nomarski Ph-70657

BIM750DIC DIC Nomarski ImagesBIM750DIC Inverted Biological Microscope with DIC Nomarski Ph-70656

Have you ever known that the DIC Nomarski images are always at the top best images of microscopy that win the prizes? At least 16 million people have watched these images. You may be the winner one day. Who know? To see the DIC vs brightfield  images, you may check this:

To learn about the difference between the DIC, Polarization and Phase-Contrast Images, see this video.

System Diagram

The BIm750DIC Microscope has transmission type differential interference contrast observation system. This includes Polarizer, DIC split board, Condenser, DIC combined board, Analyzer, centering eyepiece and the DIC objective. You will get all of these items.

To get fluorescnec imaging, please check BIM720FL and phase-contrats imaging, see BIM720 model, which are compatible with this series.

BIM750DIC Inverted Biological Microscope with DIC Nomarski Ph-70648BIM750DIC Inverted Biological Microscope with DIC Nomarski Ph-70659

Imaging Software

The microscope does not come with a camera, but selecting a right camera is crucial. Couple of things before you buy a camera:

  • A camera which has high sensitivity of color and shows natural color. Note: For any camera you use, please do white balance before using.
  • A camera WHICH can offer an EDF or extended depth of focus feature to be able to do 3D images.

Among the big list of USB 3.0 digital cameras we offer, we suggest taking a look at the following items:

Please select the products based on your requirements below table:

Inverted Fluorescence Upright Fluorescence Stereo Fluorescence In Vivo Imaging
Heating Stages Fluorescence Accessories Objective Lenses OEM


What is different about DIC microscopy?

To see the difference between the DIC Nomarski image versus polarization and or phase contrast, check this video:

What is DIC Microscopy imaging principle?

Answer is in this video:


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