BioXcope I600A Motorized Inverted Fluorescence Microscope inside an Incubator

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  • Automated inverted biological microscope
  • Fits inside an incubator and hood while a complete microscope on a bench
  • Brightfield, phase-contrast, fluorescence imaging, optional Hoffman module, 3D Emboss and polarizing
  • 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x obj lenses, and optional 2x, 60x and 100x(Oil)
  • Motorized XY stage, autofocus, smart LED illumination
  • Super Fast Scan; For instance scanning 96 wells using 20x obj lens with autofocus on center of each well takes just 2.5 minutes.
  • Intelligent Light Intensity control, i.e. memorizes the brightness for each objective lens
  • Uniform and long lifetime LED light source for BF and FL
  • Fits inside a hood and has anti-UV coating, and an incubator (without viewing head, comes with a protection cap).
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BioXcope I600A Automated Inverted Fluorescence Microscope

BioXcope I600A Motorized Inverted Fluorescence Microscope

This is a recently developed an inverted biological microscope. It is mainly designed for cell culture observation. It has great improvement in the optical resolution. It uses a long life-time LED light source for both brightfield/Phase contrast (BF/Ph)and fluorescence imaging.  It  has a compact and stable main body. The operation buttons are well designed. The cells, bacteria or virus can be easily observed, sampled, manipulated or injected while using on the bench or inside a hood. A viewing head and Phase Contrast illumination can be detached, which also allows using the system inside an incubator. It includes 3 different color filters, with large selection for different dyes. High power and much uniform LED illumination provides high quality fluorescence observation. With a special design of  video camera port, BioXcope camera and image acquisition software, you can expect low noise, high sensitive and great resolution images from this microscope.

It scans a region of interest (ROI) or well-plate quickly. For instance scanning 96 wells using 20x obj lens with autofocus on center of each well takes just 2.5 minutes.

  • Automated inverted biological microscope
  • Brightfield, phase-contrast (Hoffman module), fluorescence imaging
  • 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x obj lenses
  • Motorized XY stage, autofocus, smart LED illumination
  • Super Fast Scan; For instance scanning 96 wells using 20x obj lens with autofocus on center of each well takes just 2.5 minutes.
  • Intelligent Light Intensity control, i.e. memorizes the brightness for each objective lens
  • Uniform and long lifetime LED light source for BF and FL
  • Fits inside a hood and has anti-UV coating, and an incubator (without head and Ph module).

BioXcope I600A Motorized Inverted Fluorescence Microscope

BioXcope I600A right BioXcope I600A 1 1 BioXcope I600A 02 left view

Inverted biological microscope, with BF,Ph and FL imaging capability, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x obj lenses, 3 LED FL channels, motorized XY stage with various slide holders, side video camera port, intelligent light intensity control makes it an excellent choice for the labs look for a high quality live cell imaging  microscopy system for  cell cultures, bacteria, video time-lapse imaging, microfluidics and MEMS, virus study. vaccine development.

Advanced Microscope for Live Cell Imaging

Ergonomic Design, Comfortable Operation

  • 45° Inclined Viewing Head

Inclined viewing head helps the microscope user to operate it in a very comfortable position. Minimizes muscle tension and discomfort that may happen during long working hours.

  • Long-handle Mechanical Stage

The user can comfortably and smoothly move the sample during the operation.

  • Fits inside an incubator
    • You might need to remove the viewing head depending on the incubator internal size. You will get a cap to block the port.
    • Depth with viewing head is 559mm; it becomes 470mm after removal.
BioXcope I600A right 1

Memorized Objective Lenses

The system can remember the suitable light intensity for each objective lens. Illumination brightness needs to be adjusted once. The microscope will take care of the rest. This helps visual fatigue and improves the work efficiency.

BioXcope I600A 05 obj lenses resolution combined

Intelligent Light Intensity Control

The liquid crystal screen at top shows and remembers the selected objective lens and its proper brightness. The system can show the different working modes of start, lock, turn off, hybernate / standby modes.


BioXcope I600A 2

Easy Operation in Sterile Condition

The microscope’s size is kept at relatively small and compact size, and its weight as low as possible. The microscope body has anti-UV coating. It can be cleaned and sterilized  under UV lamp.


BioXcope I600A Motorized Inverted Fluorescence Microscope

Various Sample Holders

Various design of  sample holders are available for different cell culture containers, microfluidics chambers and MEMS devices. This includes glass slide holder (single and double size), 35mm Petridish, 54mm Petri Dish, 65mm Petri-dish, 90mm PD, Terasaki Holder, T-25 flask, T-75 flask, universal holder and of course custom sample holder.


BioXcope I600A 09 sampel holders

Phase Contrast Imaging

By reference index changes, high contrast microscopy images of transparent samples such as cell culture become available. This requires no staining or using a dye.

BioXcope I600A 11 Phase Contrast images

Hoffman Modulation Phase Contrast

With slant light, changing phase gradient into light intensity variety, it can be used to observe unstained cells and living cells.

BioXcope I600A 11 Hoffman

3D Emboss Contrast

Without any extra optical component, no glare 3D image can be obtained just through adding adjustment slider for both glass & plastic Petridishes.

BioXcope I600A 11 3D image

LED Fluorescence

Uniform brightness, easy to use and long life-time LED, replaces the old HBO, saves time and money while brings quality.

3 Fluorescence Filter blocks are available

UV, Blue and Green excitation, combined with blue, green and red emission filters are very common choices for most of the labs. Dapi/Hoechst, GFP/FITC, TRITC/Texas Red/ mCherry/ tdTomato are very popular among the list of fluorophores that we customize the filters and LEDs for. We also offer IR and NIR filters, and relevant optics.

BioXcope I600A 12 FL attachment

Contrast Shield

The Contrast Shield, specifically designed for this microscope, can effectively block the interference of the external light, increases the contrast of the fluorescent image, and provides a high signal-to-noise ratio fluorescent image. When the phase contrast observation is required, the Contrast Shield can be removed conveniently from the light path in matter of seconds.

BioXcope I600A 12 FL image contrast shield


  • Motorized XY stage
  • Autofocus
  • Autoexposure, autogain, manual exposure and gain
  • Control the microscope using a smartphone app
  • White balance, dark balance, natural color image
  • Super fast scanning and focusing (20mm/sec)
  • Travel Range: 125mm (X) x 75mm (Y), a microwellplate size
  • Precision at ±0.1um in XY and Z.
  • Fast Scan on ROI or a well plate,
  • Super Fast Scan; For instance scanning 96 wells using 20x obj lens with autofocus on center of each well takes just 2.5 minutes.
  • Scanning Modes: line by line, zig-zag, line autofocus, polyline autofocus scan,…


BioXcope I600A 1 2



Model BioXcope I600A
Moving Range X:125mm,Y:75mm
Min step size 0.1um
Repeated positioning accuracy ±1.5um
Max speed 20mm/s
  • Super Fast Scan; For instance scanning 96 wells using 20x obj lens with autofocus on center of each well takes just 2.5 minutes.
  • Scanning Modes: line by line, zig-zag, line autofocus, polyline autofocus scan,…
Size 275*239*44.5 (mm)
Limitation + software limitation

+ mechanical position limitation

+ Photoelectric switch limitation

Z Repeated positioning accuracy Average:±1.5um,Near the focus:±0.1um
Z Max speed 10 r/s
Rocker 3D controllable rocker,Four speed
Port USB2.0 and RS232
BAUD 9600


Model   BioXcope I 610 620
Optical System NIS Infinite Optical System (F200)
Observation Method


·      Brightfield

·      Phase Contrast

·      Hoffman Phase Contrast

·      Emboss Contrast

·      Epi Fluorescence

Illumination Transmitted Illumination 3W S-LED
3W S-LED Kohler Illumination
Episcopic Illumination ·      LED Illuminator,

·      Built-in Fly- eye Lens,

·      Configure up to 3 channels,

·      LED Units;

·      Available Wavelengths: 365, 405, 485, 525nm

Viewing Head


Seidentopf Viewing Head, Inclined at 45°, Interpupillary 48-75mm; Additional Camera Port, Eyepiece /Port 100/0 ∶ 0/100


Magnification (FOV) ·      SW10x (22)

·      WF15x (16)

·      WF20x (12)



Coaxial Coarse and Fine Adjustment, the Function of Coarse Tightness Adjustment, Fine Division 1 um, Fine Stroke 0.2mm per Rotation, Coarse Stroke 37.5mm per Rotation. Up 7mm, Down 1.5mm.


Quintuple Nosepiece

Coded Quintuple Nosepiece


LCD Screen Function Display Magnification, Sleep time, Bright- ness Indication, Lock mode, etc. x
Condenser Condenser NA 0.3, WD 75mm, without Condenser WD 187mm
Stage Stage: 170(X)× 250(Y)mm

Attachable Mechanical Stage: 128(X)× 80(Y), Accepts 5 Types of Microtest plate, well Clamper and Stage Clip.

Holder ·      Petri Dish Holder 35mm,

·      Petri Dish Holder 90mm,

·      Terasaki Holder for Terasaki Plate and ø65 dish,

·      Slide Glass Holder for Glass Slides and ø54 Dish,

·      Universal Holder for Terasaki Plate Holder,

·      Glass Slides and ø35-65 Dish

Phase System Condenser with 4x Phase Annulus Plate 10x, 20x, 40x Universal Phase Annulus Plat
Hoffman Phase 10x, 20x, 40x Hoffman Condenser, Special Objective
Relief 3D Contrast Condenser and Eyepiece with Emboss Contrast 10x, 20x, 40x, Universal Emboss Contrast Slide
Epi-Fluorescence Attachment Epi-fluorescence Filter Turret, Configure with up to 3 Filter Cubes. Attachable Contrast Shield.
Video Adapter 0.5x C Mount Adapter

1x C-Mount Adapter

Optional ECO (No Operator, Turn off the Light Source Automatically in 15 Minutes); Heating Stage
Dimension 44(W)×559(D)× 526(H) mm

Note: ● Standard Outfit, ○ Optional


a) Biological Model

b) Epi-fluorescnce model

Hoffman Modulation Phase Contrast

With slant light, changing phase gradient into light intensity variety, it can be used to observe unstained cells and living cells.

3D Emboss Contrast

Without any extra optical component, no glare 3D image can be obtained just through adding adjustment slider for both glass & plastic Petridishes.

System diagram for customization


IncuScope Models Imaging Modes Objective Lens XY Stage Z Focus FL channel


BF, PH One lens at a time manual manual 0,1 or 2


BF,PH, FL, Pol, DF(partially) 4 lenses manual manual 0,1 or 2


BF,PH, FL,POL, DF One lens at a time manual manual 0,1 or 2


BF,PH, FL One lens at a time manual auto 2
IncuScope BX-300A


BF, PH,FL (Coming)

One lens at a time auto auto

0 to 1-2 (TBD)


BF,PH, FL,POL, DF, 3D E,boss Contrast, Hoffman Module 5 objective lenses automated auto 0 to 3


BIM1000A microscope


BF, PH, FL, POL, DF, 3D Emboss Contrast, Hoffman Module 5 objective lenses auto auto 0 to 4


Please select the products based on your requirements below table:

Inverted Fluorescence Upright Fluorescence Stereo Fluorescence In Vivo Imaging
Heating Stages Fluorescence Accessories Objective Lenses OEM


Examples of Customers:

A list of customers that purchased this product recently:

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
MD Anderson Cancer Center, The University of Texas, Houston, Texas USA
University of Central Oklahoma, Central Rec.-Human Physio Lab, Edmond, OK, USA
University of Florida, Department of Pharmacodynamics, Gainesville, FL USA



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