Metallurgical Microscopy Basics & Applications

What is a metallurgical microscope? A simple answer is that a metallurgical microscope is another type of light microscopes and unlike a biological microscope it uses a reflected white light. Obviously the nature of samples is different for such a use, i.e. a metal, semiconductor or plastic rather than a biology slide, cell, living microorganism […]

Phase Contrast Microscopy

What is Phase Contrast Microscopy? Phase Contrast is a contrast enhancing optical microscopy technique in which an unstained transparent sample is seen with high brightness by shifting phase difference of light. The idea of Phase Contrast Imaging was brought by Frits Zernike in 1930’s, a Dutch physicist, who got the Nobel prize in 1953 for […]

Microscope History

The oldest history of microscope goes to 1590s, when two Dutch spectacle makers, Zacharias Jansen and his father Hans Jansen, started some tests with lenses. They combined several lenses and put inside a tube and boom, they made the discovery. They saw an object at the end of the tube can bee seen way larger […]

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