How to See an Atom with a Microscope

Scientists at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) have found an intelligent method to create stunningly detailed 3D reconstructing of platinum nanoparticles at an atomic scale. These are being used to study tiny structural irregularities called dislocations. You can read the article of Chien-Chun Chen et al. pubclished in Nature on April 2013 here.

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Sample Microscope Images

Captured using our IncuScope with 3 LEDs (UV, Blue and Green), 3MP sCMOS camera BIC-C30, and 20x objective lenses, and IncuView software. Sample: FluoCells® Prepared Slide #2: bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells (BPAE) cells with Mouse Anti-α-tubulin, BODIPY FL Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Texas Red-X Phalloidin, and DAPI), (Molecular Probes) Further details:

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