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Microscope & Fun

Source: Questgarden.com


Source: pinterest.com

science sciences scientists laboratory laboratories biologist rman11754 low

Source: CartoonSTock.com

comics Dark Side of the Horse microscope 726891

Source: Joyreactor.com

science scientists science projects research research virus bfrn171 low

Source: CartoonStock

microscope fun frog

A picture made available on 29 June 2016 shows Cairns Frog Hospital president Deborah Pergolotti looking through a microscope under the watchful eye of a White Lipped Tree Frog, which has a damaged right eye and water retention, in the “Frog Room” of the Cairns Frog Hospital in Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 27 June 2016. Australia’s only dedicated frog hospital is facing an uncertain future after its property was listed for sale. The Cairns Frog Hospital, which relies on public donations and operates out of a small single-storey Edmonton house, has taken in almost 2,800 adult frogs since it began in 1998. Source and copy right: avax.news.

microscope Source: dailyBiz

 science scientist scientific research chemists chemistry microscope tmcn89 low

Sourtce: Cartoonsock.com


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