
BioView Software for Cell Counting, Measurements, Merging, Live EDF, Tiling etc

$USD 499.69

  • Image Analysis Software
  • Low price image processing software
  • Live tiling and offline stitching
  • Live and offline EDF
  • Counting, sorting
  • Measurements
  • Merging or superimposing
Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Browse, count, merge, measure and do more:

BioView Software

1. Browse

2. Time-Lapse Running

3. Calibrate, save based on the magnification, add a scale bar or do measurements and counting based on actual size of the objects you have visualized

4. Merge or superimpose fluorescent channels:

5. Tiling /Stitching:

5.1. Live Tiling



5.2. Offline Stitching

6. Counting

7. Sorting and Identifying

based on size or some extra features

8. Measurements







Main GUI


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