
BIM640FL Inverted Epi-Fluorescnce Biological Microscope

Original price was: $USD 7,000.00.Current price is: $USD 5,288.00.

  • BIM640FL Inverted Fluorescence Microscope
  • Extralarge widefield eyepeices 10x/23 (Unique)
  • 4x, 10xPh, 20xPh, 40x lenses incldued plus tens of optional obj lenses.
  • with GFP, RFP & optional UV, V or any custom Excitation filters.
  • Trinocular head; Top video port.
  • HBO illumination
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BIM640FL Inverted Fluorescence Microscope

Wide field eyepiece, view field up to Φ23mm,more comfortable for observation

BIM640FL Inverted Epi-Fluorescnce Biological Microscope
BIM640FL Inverted Epi-Fluorescnce Biological Microscope
BIM640FL Inverted Epi-Fluorescnce Biological Microscope

BIM640FL Inverted Epi-Fluorescence Biological Microscope

This brand new professional trinocular Epi-fluorescent inverted microscope with phase contrast features is designed to observe the specimen in culture dishes, T-flasks, petridishes or a well-plate. It comes with long working distance plan achromatic objectives, extreme widefield eyepiece, 45 degree inclined trinocular observation head, phase contrast kit, phase contrast objectives and EPI excitation fluorescent illumination system. It allows you to view transparent alive objects without dyeing specimen and obtain sharp clear fluorescent images. The microscope offers 40X, 100X, 200X, 500X, 400X and optional 1000X magnification settings.

This fluorescent microscopy system is perfect for observing living cells in micro research laboratories. It is an ideal microscopy instrument for universities, medical offices, epidemic prevention department and farming & stock raising labs, etc. BIM640FL 3
Large diameter quintuple nosepiece, Easy to use BIM640FL Inverted Epi-Fluorescnce Biological Microscope
Beam Splitter (both): 100 : 0 (100% for eyepiece);
80 : 20 (80% for trinocular head and 20% for eyepiece)
BIM640FL Inverted Epi-Fluorescnce Biological Microscope
Mechanical XY stage can be installed from left or right side BIM640FL Inverted Epi-Fluorescnce Biological Microscope


BIM640FL Inverted Epi-Fluorescnce Biological Microscope
Long working distance condenser N.A. 0.30,Working distance:72mm Working distance: 195mm (without condenser),available for extra high culture dish Large size stage, convenient for research. Size:240mm(X)× 210(Y)mm Mechanical stage available for 96 holes plate.

Moving range:128mm(X)× 80(Y)mm

High Quality Objective Lenses

Long Working Distance

Objective Lenses

Infinity Plan Objective 10x/0.25 WD=8.3mm
Infinity Plan Objective 20x/0.40 WD=7.2mm
Infinity Plan Objective 40x/0.60 WD=3.4mm
Infinity Plan Phase Contrast Objective 20x/0.40 WD=7.2mm

BIM640FL Inverted Biological Microscope-Brochure

Technical Specifications

BIM640FL Inverted Fluorescent Microscope
Head Seidentopf Trinocular Head, Inclined 45°, Interpupilary Distance 48~76mm
Light Split (Both) 100:0 and 80:20
Eyepiece WF10x/22mm, Diopter Adjustable
Nosepiece Large Diameter Quintuple
Objective LWD Infinity Plan Objective
LPL10x/0.25 WD=8.3mm
LPL20x/0.40 WD=7.2mm
LPL40x/0.60 WD=3.4mm
Infinity Plan Phase Contrast Objective
20x/0.40 WD=7.2mm
Focus System Low Position, Coaxial Coarse & Fine Focusing System, Coarse Stroke 42mm /Rotation, Fine Stroke 0.2mm /Rotataion, Minimum Reading 2μm
Stage Mechanical Stage Size 210x241mm, Round Slide Size Dia.118mm, With Attachable Mechanical Stage For 96 Holes Plate, Moving Range 128x80mm, With Culture Dish Holder 54mm, Knob Can Be Changed By Left Or Right
Condenser Long Working Distance, N.A.0.3, Working Distance 72mm (With Condenser),195mm (Without Condenser For Extra High Culture Dish), Quickly Detachable
Phase Contrast Phase Contrast Annular Plate For 20x/40x
Filter Blue, Green
Fluorescence –Epi Fluorescence Unit, Field Diaphragm, Center Adjustable
–100W Mercury Lamp
–Digital Mercury Lamp Power Box, Input Voltage:100~240V
–Fluorescent Filter B, G
Excitation (nm) Dichroic Mirror (nm) Barrier Filter (nm)
Blue BP420~490 DM505 BA520
Green BP500~550 DM575 BA590
Light Source Transmit Light, Halogen 6V30W, Koehler Illumination
Power Supply Wide Range Voltage 110~240V
Optional Accessories Item No.
Eyepiece WF16x/13mm BIA64-1613A
10x Reticle Eyepiece (0.1mm) BIM64-10R
Objective Infinity LWD Plan Objective LPL4x/0.11, WD=12.1mm BIM64-4x
Infinity Plan Phase Contrast Objective 10x/0.25 W.D.=8.3 mm BIM64-10x
Infinity Plan Phase Contrast Objective 40x/0.60 W.D.=3.4mm BIm64-40x
Phase Contrast Phase Contrast Annular Plate For 10x BIM64-PHA
Filter Amber BIM64-FA
Grey BIM64-FG
Culture Dish Holder 65mm BIA-SH65
35mm BIA-SH35
Adapter C-Mount Adapter 0.5x (Focus Adjustable) BIM64-0.5x
C-Mount Adapter 1.0x BIM64-1.0x

BIM640FL Inverted Epi-Fluorescnce Biological Microscope

Following images were collected using this microscope, BIC-C30 3MP sCMOS Camera, 0.5x C-mount adapter and the below-mentioned objective lenses. merged images were generated using Image software.

FluoCells® Prepared Slide #2: bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells (BPAE) cells with Mouse Anti-α-tubulin, BODIPY FL Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Texas Red-X Phalloidin, and DAPI), (Molecular Probes)

BIHR-20xBF PlanFluor EPI20XBF Plan Semi Apochromat 20X/NA0.45/WD3 Lens:

BIHR-50xBFL 50x LWD: PlanFluor EPI 50X LWD BF Plan Semi Apochromat BF/FL Objective 50X/NA 0.50/W.D 10.6mm:

BIMJ969-60x: 60x /NA0.80/WD0.23 Plan Objective Lens:

FluoCells® Prepared Slide #6 (Muntjac cells with Mouse Anti-OxPhos Complex V Inhibitor Protein, Alexa Fluor 555 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Alexa Fluor 488 Phalloidin, and TO-PRO-3) (Molecular Probes)

BIMJ969-60x: 60x /NA0.80/WD0.23 Plan Objective Lens:

Summary of Package

  • BIM640FL Inverted Fluorescence Microscope
  • 4x, 10xPh, 20xPh, 40x lenses included plus tens of optional obj lenses.
  • with GFP, RFP & optional UV, V or any custom filters.
  • Trinocular head; Top video port.
  • HBO illumination

System Diagram

BIM640FL Inverted Biological Microscope-Brochure

Please select the products based on your requirements below table:

Inverted Fluorescence Upright Fluorescence Stereo Fluorescence In Vivo Imaging
Heating Stages Fluorescence Accessories Objective Lenses OEM


Recently purchased Customers:

The Research Institute of McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, QC, Canada


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