IS LED1 heatsink

Digital microscope, small, smart and with most flexible design to customize


We have developed a robust and inexpensive USB-based imaging engine utilizing a camera sensor. This technology is the result of our development of the IncuScope inverted fluorescent microscope. We would like to offer it as a module for other instrument makers to use in a variety of imaging functions. This is the most customizable fluorescence microscope in the market. It is small enough to fit inside a  device, hood, incubator or another microscope. It can take from 1.25x obj lens till 150x. You can mount 6 high power LEDs, from UV to IR range, up to 1500mA which is super bright.  A camera can be selected from CMOS, sCMOS, CCD, either color or mono, 1.4MP to 16MP. it comes with a USB 3.0 interface for both PCB and camera. the package comes with advanced live cell imaging, time-lapse mode software.

is there something missing from this microscopy module that you did not see in the list?

Oh yes, accessories. Indeed unlimited accessories can be offered: Z focus, XY stage, sample holder, monitor or tablet PC, etc.

The module can consist of any or all of the following parts:

Main PCB / Control Board-  which has a USB 3.0 interface for control of PCB, LED and Camera settings, input, and output of DC power, and 6 LED outputs

Camera sensor or a complete camera can be mounted to the imaging module and connected to a PC directly.  Currently, a 2.3 MP color  and up to 16 MP color sensors are available. we can offer CMOS, sCMOS, and CCD depend on your requirements.

Manual LED Control through a ribbon cable to the main PCB with two control knobs and displays for channel name (1 to 6) and LED level (0-99).

Filter Cube-  Contains emission filters, dichroic mirror along with focusing optics.  Has threaded mount for the objective lens. Excitation Source-  Contains excitation LEDs and excitation filters.

Private Label Microscope with 1-, 3- or 6-LEDs-10021

IS LED1 heatsink

OEM Microscope: Inverted/Upright for Biological & Industrial Application-9871

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